Saturday, July 28, 2018

Portion Your Food Like A Professional Fitness Competitor

Now you know why we obsessively weigh everything in prep! We all know on the back of your food there's a nutrition label. Usually two methods of measurement are given - ex. 1/2c (40g). Did you know that these likely will end up being DIFFERENT macros because those measurements are not equal?

Greatest bodybuilder of all time reveals his biggest muscle-building secrets

Greatest bodybuilder of all time reveals his biggest muscle-building secrets HE’S bagged the Mr Olympia title more times than Arnold Schwarzenegger and now Ronnie Coleman reveals his ultimate muscle-building techniques. Most people consider Ronnie Coleman to be one of the greatest bodybuilders in the world. The 52-year-old man ... The weighed portion (grams or ounces) will be your more accurate measurement. Calories can add up quickly the other way if you're not careful.

How to make a Buddha bowl that won't give you a Buddha belly

How to make a Buddha bowl that won't give you a Buddha belly They’re fats, and fats are just that: fattening. That’s why when it comes to these items, portion control is extra important. Contrary to what many believe (or want to believe) one serving of avocado is just two tablespoons, and one serving of olive ...
  Now of course if you're not prepping for a show and just living a healthy life, there's no need to be THAT meticulous.

A high-precision digital kitchen scale for 70 percent off? I'd buy it.

A high-precision digital kitchen scale for 70 percent off? I'd buy it. Now you can cook with precision—for only $12. The Accuweight digital food scale measures amounts as little as 2 grams and as much as 11 pounds. The four separate sensors allow for more accurate measurements—within 1 gram—and can display in terms of ...
But hey, the more you know, the better.

The Surprising Anti-Aging Benefit of Portion Control Is a Game Changer

The Surprising Anti-Aging Benefit of Portion Control Is a Game Changer There's no question that nutritious eating and proper portions can be the key to better overall health and therefore better aging, but as examined by Scientific American, recent studies delve more into how portion control and calorie restriction affect ...

Tips on How to Build Muscle Fast

"How to build muscle fast?" is a question asked by many.

Muscle building tips for beginners

Muscle building tips for beginners : Sleep is very important for building muscles. If you not sleeping enough ... Avoid heavy fat foods such as cheese, bacon, hot dogs, mayonnaise and fast food etc. because they will fully your system with fat and not much protein and they will also force ...
  If this is you, then you will need to read this article. I am going to cover three great tips that will save you time at the gym, and it will help you to achieve head-turning results. I am going to assume you have a gym membership or you have a means to a great set of weights. I am also going to assume that you have a basic knowledge of nutrition and that you are eating six small meals a day. My three main points to assist you to start to handle how to build muscle fast are as follows:
1.Progressive Overload. Progressive Overload is essential to building muscle fast. This can be done by combining your workout with either, applying a much heavier weight than the previous time or adding more sets than the last time or have fewer breaks in between the sets. For you to push the body to its limit and to stimulate new muscle growth, you must be consistently pushing yourself to the limit but do it safely of course. Each time you are at the gym, you really should be breaking your earlier workout in some way or another. This is going to help you make consistent progress and build muscle fast. And we all want to know how to build muscle fast.

  2.Post Workout Nutrition. I'm sure you know already that post workout nutrition is the most critical for your body to receive the nutrients it badly needs to grow. But, do you know what you need the most after your workout? You are probably assuming protein, and you'd be right however you also need to have simple carbohydrates. These are critical as they help you replenish the glycogen stores and they spike insulin that helps drive the protein to the damaged muscles.

Greatest bodybuilder of all time reveals his biggest muscle-building secrets

Greatest bodybuilder of all time reveals his biggest muscle-building secrets HE’S bagged the Mr Olympia title more times than Arnold Schwarzenegger and now Ronnie Coleman reveals his ultimate muscle-building techniques. Most people consider Ronnie Coleman to be one of the greatest bodybuilders in the world. The 52-year-old man ...
  3.Enough Rest Days. If you are a lover of weight training, then most of your days will be spent in the gym. However, you require sleep and rest, to allow your muscles to build. You have to do THIS away from the gym. So give yourself at least two days off. This assists your body, nervous system and your immune system to recover from your workouts.

   Do these three key things to build muscle fast! 

Smart diet tips that Work!

Health they say is wealth. It is of utmost importance that we do all we can to say healthy. And one of the ways to achieve that is through what we consume. It is a statement of fact that more than 50 per cent of the terminal diseases confronting men is as a result of their eating habits over time.

Likelihood of dieting success lies within your tweets

Likelihood of dieting success lies within your tweets "We see that these users are much more likely to share healthy recipes, offer tips on nutrition and exercise ... of social media and quantified self-sensing in revealing risk to diet compliance." The research looks at more than 2 million tweets and ...
  For instance, too much of fatty foods and carbohydrate will lead to obesity and some other complications. While the consumption of too much of red meat has aided in cardiovascular complications.

Celebrity trainer secrets: Adele’s personal trainer Pete Geracimo’s top tips on keeping fit

Celebrity trainer secrets: Adele’s personal trainer Pete Geracimo’s top tips on keeping fit Did Adele kill it with that speech or what? To celebrate Healthista spoke exclusively to the superstar singer and multi-award winner’s personal trainer to find out the diet tips and workout that he swears by she hasn’t given up carbs completely ...   Below are some tips to eating healthy:- 1. Eat a balanced diet. It is very important that whenever you eat, your meal has the right proportions of the classes of food. The volume of carbohydrate should not be more than thirty-five per cent, protein, twenty-five per cent while the others share the remaining forty per cent. 2. Do not eat much. In order not to give the body a reason to start storing up fats, it is advisable that we eat until we feel the first sign of being full. This way, we'll be able to control the quantity of what we eat. 3. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables play an important role in staying healthy. They contain essential minerals and vitamins. If you have your way, eat these only for lunch. You can't have too much of it.   4. Eat food rich in fiber. Fiber not only fill you u but also aid digestion, help fight diseases like Eating fiber is just about making choices; for example eating whole grain meals instead of white bread. 5. Always eat breakfast. This is important. Eating of breakfast actually releases insulin hormone which in turn stimulates alow calorie intake for the rest of the day. 6. Drink lots of water. Having our body well saturated has a way of deceiving the body that it is full. More so, it helps body metabolism. Avoid/reduce drinks rich in sugar as they do not render help to the body but our taste buds. 7. Work out. Although, this is not food intake, but burning body fats will help prevent quite a number of diseases like obesity, diabetes to mention a few. Smart dieting habits can be achieved when carefully and thoroughly worked at.


Life can be stressful at times. Stress and fatigue occur when you perceive the demands placed on you, be it of any type such as relationships, work pressure, financial difficulties, household problems etc. There are times when you have to deal with ongoing stress positively. However, it is very important to recognize the type of stress and find its root, which might help in tackling the symptoms.
An extreme amount of stress can show adverse health consequences affecting a lot of our body parts. Untreated chronic stress can show serious issues like insomnia, fatigue, high blood pressure, cardio and even neuroendocrine problems.
Finding a positive way to manage stress from its roots can help in reducing negative health consequences. Every person in this universe is different to one another and finding the way to reduce chronic stress does vary from person to person, while some prefer to pursue their hobbies in their leisure others work for a social cause to find perfect peace of mind.
Here are few techniques which I have noted down after consulting a psychologist that might help to reduce stress in both short and long term basis.
Working out on a regular basis can relax your body and mind helping you to release stress hormones and increase the endorphin levels. Exercise doesn’t mean you have to find time from your work and go to the gym. Walking for 20 minutes on regular basis can do that job. Walking isn’t only good for stress reduction but it is also proved that brisk walking for at least 150 minutes a week can increase the life expectancy by four to five years. Other than walking trying out swimming, bicycling and other sorts of exercises can also be very beneficial and might help people in preventing severe other diseases.

Since I was a kid I have heard doctors saying ‘Laughter is the best medicine’, well that is true in some respect. Talking scientifically, our brains are interconnected with our emotions and facial expressions. When people are stressed the muscles in their jaws aren’t relaxed, laughing out loud loosens up and simultaneously it can help in relieving some of the stress and fatigue.

Proper diet plans
Have you ever noticed a car running without gasoline? Well, food is our gasoline helping us by providing energy all day long. A human body needs to be healthy, strong and happy to keep working. Eating a regular, well-balanced diet, can help you feel better in general and may also control your moods. Having a hydrated body controls cortisol and stress hormones, a daily intake of 8 to 10 glasses of water is a must. Your meals should be full of green vegetables, whole grains, fruits, protein contents etc, skipping any of these can result in heath disorder.

Slowing down the pace of life
Life in the 21st century is like a 600metres hurdle race, where the world keeps on moving and we all have to keep up with its pace. Maybe it is high time for us where we should keep our priorities above all else. In simple words, what I am trying to say is we must slow down and chill out. For example- breaking down the big job into smaller versions, what I mean is if you are in need to answer 100 phone calls a day try keeping it simple by answering just a few of them. Set your watch 10 minutes ahead, so in that way, you will finish your job or get to places a bit early without the headache of being late.

Making time for hobbies and Family
With the pace of life, our childhood hobbies do fade out. Everyone needs to aside some time for things they enjoy. After a hard day work, try to do something every day, that makes you feel good, try spending some quality time with your friends and family that will help relieve your stress. It doesn’t need to be a ton of time, even a short duration of 15 to 20 minutes a day will work like magic.

Sleep better
It is a general symptom that stress can cause you to lose sleep. Unfortunately lack of sleep also causes and promotes anxiety and fatigue. It is recommended that a proper eight hours of sleep should be made must. Turn off the TV and dim the lights, to give yourself quality time before going to bed. It can be one of the most effective stress busters in the above list.

Share your problems
If even after following all the above steps, your problems still haunt you try sharing those with your friends, family or any trustworthy clergymen. I bet you will get positive results that way.
You can also practice self-talking, but make sure it is positive and doesn’t have any negative consequence. If you are giving yourself a negative message try changing it to positive by saying “Yes, I can do this”. This might help to gain a lot of confidence in you.

Meditation and Deep Breathing
One of the most ignored yet working method of stress relieve is through meditation. You will be surprised to see the changes this little technique can bring in your mood. You do not need to spend hours trying to focus on nothingness, a mere 10-minute session is enough to get you through the day. All you need is a peaceful place to sit and no distractions or temptations nearby. The ultimate peace of mind that meditation can give you is unmatchable.

Identifying the main cause of stress is mandatory. Figure out the biggest cause of stress in your life. If you are able to identify them, try to eliminate them in every possible way. Remember life without hurdles isn’t worth living. Enjoying it to the fullest and making memories is the thing worth remembering when you would be sitting alone at the age of sixty with a cup of tea, and your back inclined to a rocking chair.